Who is responsible for payment of pension and gratuity arrears

Ministry of Public Service Support DeskCategory: Pension ManagementWho is responsible for payment of pension and gratuity arrears
Hellen Nekesa asked 3 years ago
The respective vote of the retiree is responsible for the payment of all pension and gratuity arrears.
replied 3 years ago

I first all hope that this note reaches the president through the Anti-Corruption Unit. I would like to thank the President and everyone who are working tirelessly to make sure the State is at peace, stability, prosperity and social growth.

My query is about ”The Armed Forces Disability And Death Pensions and Gratuities Regulations 1968”.

Being a son of the Late Alex Sungura (deceased 23/09/1990) Army No-RA-60977-RANK-PTE who was serving in the UPDF at Kanyamwirirma, whose pension/Gratuity has never been paid to his family.

I anticipate EMBEZZELMENT of funds when I received information that pension/GRATUITY was paid from pension gratuity file 500/2003 within the ministry of public service , yet money has never been received by any of the deceased’s family.

How would you kindly be of help to me?!

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