The validation target those receiving monthly pension, therefore retirees or claimants not yet on the pension payroll are advised to report to the Ministry, Department or Local Government of retirement to have their cases cleared and processed. Retirees who were validated while in active service do not require revalidation. My monthly pension is underpaid since my former workmates get more money than me. Why?

Ministry of Public Service Support DeskCategory: Pension ManagementThe validation target those receiving monthly pension, therefore retirees or claimants not yet on the pension payroll are advised to report to the Ministry, Department or Local Government of retirement to have their cases cleared and processed. Retirees who were validated while in active service do not require revalidation. My monthly pension is underpaid since my former workmates get more money than me. Why?
lynbwiza Staff asked 2 years ago
  1. Computation of pension is based on rank, salary, length of service and the pension fraction provided by the Pension Act;
  2. All Public Servants and retired persons are encouraged to appreciate the pension formula so as to always check and verify the benefits paid to them. Where the client is unable to verify the benefits, assistance should be sought from the Human Resource Office at the Vote of retirement;
  3. In case of underpayment a review will be undertaken by the Ministry, Department or Local Government of retirement and the correct benefits is paid and with any arrears due.


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