

Yumbe district HRO assist pensioners while filling in the required form before validation is done

Out of the 18 pensioners and claimants that had missed out the validation in April 2017 , 12 were validated and the 06 who did not attend were either in Kampala and would be validated there or had family issues to sort out for Administrative letters.

The Under Secretary Ministry of Public Service Dan Mugulusi who represented the Permanent Secretary called upon participants to take records as essential and important . Institutions are likely to collapse if the management of records is not done professionally. Mugulusi called for the team to escalate this knowledge to other staff. He warned institutions that

Pensioners census and Biometric validation has kicked off at Ministry headquarters with a big bang of pensioners responding to this important call.

COMMISSIONER RECORDS AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT LILIAN ARISO OPENED THE MEETING TEAM MEETING IN PICTURE AT CIVIL SERVICE COLLEGE FROM 17TH – 21ST JUNE, 2019. Among the underlying business processes to support human resource business processes in the implementation of Human Capital Management System includes content management process that is focused on timely routing, indexing and

Ministry of Public Service has embarked on cleanup of the active payroll as well as the pension payroll. As a result all employees on the payroll were subjected to a compulsory biometric validation and matching of the information with NIRA database. Unvalidated employees were consequently deactivated from payroll and presented to the Inspectorate of Government

This effort is in line with gender equity and people with disability Act which takes care of their interest while accessing services in any Public Office . The Senior Management committee of the ministry approved structural designs and expenditure under the guidance of Ministry of Works and Transport as a prerequisite for ensuring that the

H.E Yoweri Museveni pose with school children during the International labor day 1st May 2019 at Agago district

He commended Agago residents for being committed to fighting insurgency during the Joseph Kony time. He told the gathering that NRM has kept harmony , Peace and tranquility of Uganda. Museveni recognized the timely theme of the day which highlighted the importance of infrastructural development as a tool for development . The minister of gender,

Under the ministry catch words, ” Offering favorable working conditions through meaningful engagement with labor Unions”

Under its catch words , ” Offering favorable working conditions through meaningful engagement with Public Service Labor Unions. The reform to rationalize and harmonize salary pay for workers remain on the Agenda. While delivering his speech H.E president Yoweri Museveni hailed leaders of the Labor Unions for waking up after the 100 years of labor


Fellow Ministry staff yesterday organized a birth day party in honor her day. In attendance were commissioners and other lower cadre staff