

Permanent Secretary – MOPS, chaired a preparatory meeting on the Public Sector Transformation Programme for NDP(IV) FY 2025/2026 – FY 2029/2030. The meeting was held at MOPS Boardroom.

The Minister of Public Service, Hon. Wilson Muŕuli Mukasa yesterday 5th June 2024, convened a meeting to guide and support the process of organising the Inter-Religious family festival which is yet to take place on the 29th June 2024 at Kololo Ceremonial Grounds with his excellency the President as the guest of honour.

The Ministry of Public Service convened a meeting in the Boardroom with Service Commissions to discuss the next steps for RAPEX.

The validation exercise is still on going at NRCA with the validation team still handling officers from the Uganda Police Force.

A meeting was held today 5th June 2024 at MOPS Boardroom, to discuss the funding modalities for the implementation of the RAPEX in MDAs whose Bills were passed by the Parliament of Uganda.

Commissioner P&P/MOPS, Mr. Joses Tegeza, representing the PS/MOPS officiated at the closure of a two days training on HCM for Internal Auditors and Accountants.

The Ministry of Public Service is conducting a two days training on HCM for internal auditors and accountants that has started today 4th June 2024 at MOPS training bureau. This will focus on HCM functionalities and integration workflows which will equip the officers with skills hence improving efficiency in performing their duties on HCM.

The Under Secretary, Mr Kayima Godfrey, has witnessed the change in leadership and handover of the MOPS SACCO. Mr Mundua Partrick has taken over as the new in coming Chair person of the MOPS SACCO from and Madam Ahimbisibwe Theresa as the incoming treasurer.

The Ministry of Public Service has today 30th May 2024 held a consultative meeting on Human Resource Statistics in selected government Agencies. This was to present and discuss on Data Requirements and progress.

The validation exercise is still on going at NRCA and the team is still handling officers from the Uganda police force.

The meeting has been held at MOPS Yesterday 29th May 2024 with MoFPED, MoTIC, MoIA and affected agencies to discuss and agree on the next steps on implementation of RAPEX.

The Ministry of Public Service held a meeting on 28th May 2024, to discuss on the appointment of staff under office of the President and state House on Retainer/non Residential basis but paid salary charged on wage budget.

The Ministry of Public Service has today 27th May 2024, started a TOT training for HCM Phase iii sites. This training is targeting 35 human resource officers and will run till 14th June 2024 at Sybyl.

A team of inspectors from other inspectorate agencies led by PSI department of the Ministry of Public Service has conducted a joint inspection exercise in Rubirizi DLG on Monday 27th May 2024.

The Ministry of Public Service held a meeting to agree on the next steps for the implementation of the Rationalization of Government Agencies and Public Expenditure (RAPEX”) in the FY 2024/2025 at MOPS on 27th May 2024. This meeting was intended to induct the Members of the Ministerial Steering Committee on their roles and responsibilities,

The Ministry of Public Service and other Inspectorate Agencies is undertaking a joint inspection to Local Governments from 27th May, 2024. The inspection exercise is to: a) Promote compliance with service delivery standards, rules, regulations, values, systems, and procedures. b) Offer technical support supervision to facilitate improved service delivery. c) Establish the status of implementation