

A wage bill of UShs. 5,103.47 Billion has been allocated for the Financial Year 2020/2021. This provides an increase of UShs. 430.52 Billion from the previous Financial Year 2019/2020 (including Supplementary Wage provided in the course of FY 2019/2020).

A CIRCULAR LETTER NO. 7 OF 2020 COVID-19 has been issued today by the Permanent Secretary / Ministry of Public Service.It provides guidance on Post-Lockdown Standard Operating Procedures for Office Operations in the Public Service of Uganda

A CIRCULAR LETTER NO. 6 OF 2020 COVID-19 has been issued today by the Permanent Secretary / Ministry of Public Service.It provides guidelines for working remotely tele-communicating or working from home for the Uganda Public Service.

BID NOTICE Ministry of Public Service invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for: No. Procurement Reference Number Subject matter of Procurement Bid Security 1. MoPS/ SVCS/ 2019-2020/ 00164 Framework contracts for Supplies, Services and Works for a period of 18 months for the Ministry of Public Service N/A 2. The Bidding document(s) shall be inspected

Circular Letter No. 4 of 2020 – Additional Guidelines to Implement Government Directives on the Management of Public Service Institutions During the National Quarantine Period Circular Letter No. 5 of 2020 – Contingency Strategies to Process Salary, Pension and Gratuity during the Lockdown to contain COVID-19

The Ministry of Public Service has issued CIRCULAR LETTER NO. 3 OF 2020 to provide Guidance to the Public Service Staff and the Public on the Corona Virus (COVID-19) The Circular can be downloaded below: The full text of the Circular Letter No. 3 of 2020 is below: The World Health Organisation declared Corona Virus

The Permanent Secretary Catherine Bitarakwate Musingwiire has hailed Accounting Officers of different Ministries, departments and Agencies and Local Governments for supporting their staff to attend the forum. Bitarakwate highlighted the importance of the forum which included among other; Developing a body of Human Resource knowledge, skills, personal competencies, values and attitude required by the Professional

Under the Ministry customized theme; Promoting Gender equality in the Public Service. The President has retaliate the need to empower women through economic muscle improvement and the only best way to fight gender based violence is through economically empower women by increasing funding in women groups. Museveni has again made observation that the fight against

Hon. Wilson Muluri Mukasa called upon staff to desist from behaving like locusts in their offices but serve the people .

Ministry team from the department of performance management conducted a refresher training in performance management tools for secondary school teachers in the districts of Albetong, Nwoya an Gulu.

The need to have a mindset change and improve working relationship between the technical and political arms of an Institution was emphasized at the recently concluded Peer to Peer Mentor-ship workshop of Alumni of the College of West Nile region. The workshop emphasized having visionary and focused leadership, targeted and meaningful exchange programs, utilization of

HR Planners Capacity Building workshop for 4 days at the Civil Service College Uganda

President Museveni has attributed underdevelopment and poverty of Ugandans due to the history of discovery of the hand hoe as opposed to the mechanization by the Europeans. Also the African culture of working for food to mouth syndrome . He appealed to Ugandan Homesteads to instead start working for money. Choose ,enterprises that secure income

MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SERVICE BEST PERFORMERS’ RECOGNITION AWARD FOR THE YEAR 2019 The Ministry is proud of you and would like to recognize your demonstrated excellence and exceptional performance. Please maintain the spirit and keep up the well-deserved demonstrated excellence and outstanding performance. Position by Salary Scale Best Nominee Cross-cutting attributes/remarks Principal Officer level, U2

Pensioners across this entire region have hailed the ministry for this timely interaction where challenges and feedback on pension decentralization has been realized. Pensioners have called for a regular interaction because it creates a forum of sharing challenges and iron out information gaps within different stakeholders. Among other recommendations mad e was to review the