

The Ministry of Public Service has today 11th July 2024, organized a meeting for members of all five (5) Professional Development Committees (Human Resource Managers Cadre, Management Analyst Cadre, Records and Archives Cadre, Secretarial Cadre, and Office Supervisors Cadre) domiciled under MOPS. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the progress of the PDCs

The Public Service Commission together and KCCA have done general cleaning of Parliament Avenue as of their corporate social responsibility in preparation for the APSD.

The inspector General of Police, Abas Byakagaba together with the Chief Guest – the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Public Service, Catherine Bitarakwate Musingwiire (Mrs.) opened a blood donation exercise yesterday to save lives at Police Headquarters Naguru yesterday in preparation for celebration of the APSD on 27th this Thursday at Kololo Ceremonial Grounds.

Minister of State for youth Hon Balaam Barugahara has officiated at the closure of the sports gala at Makerere University. He was joined by Minister of State for Public Service, Minister Kabbyanga Godfrey in charge of National guidance under MoICT, and the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Public Service.

Today 21st June 2024, the Minister of State for sports, Hon. Peter Ogwang, officially opened the Sports games competition at Makerere University sports ground, marking the beginning of the celebration of the APSD. He was in company of the Minister of State for Public Service, Hon. Grace Mary Mugasa, the Permanent Secretary, Catherine Bitarakwate Musingwiire

The MOPS woodball team has today 23rd June 2024, participated in the 3RD Corporate woodball Circuit 2024 at University of Kisuubi. Here the team performed well emerging the second in both male and female teams and worn the Gold medal for male corporates.

Yesterday, 20th June, 2024, 5he Ministry of Public Service donated a vehicle to Wakiso seeds secondary school as it continues to dispose off more items

Mama Andrua Emillia Leku, Mother to Mr. Bua Victor Leku, Commissioner/Compensation was laid to rest today 13th June, 2024 in Patabo Village, Metu Sub county, Moyo district.

HON. MUGASA VISITS OTUKE ON ROUTINE MONITORING AND INSPECTION. On 12th June 2024, the Minister of State, Hon Ģrace Mary Mugasa, was in Otuke district together with AC Policy & Procedure, Mr. Mujungu for political monitoring particularly on issues of the district being hard to reach and hard to stay. The area MPs were also

Senior Staff from the Civil Service College conducted a three day Orientation training for staff of Ministry of Public Service at the Ministry Boardroom.

Uganda will join the rest of Africa to commemorate the Africa Public Service Day. Africa Public Service Day is celebrated every year on 21st June. This year’s celebrations are scheduled to take place on Thursday 27th June, 2024 at Kololo Ceremonial Grounds.

Yesterday,11th June 2024, Departmental budget focal persons were engaged in a working meeting to finalise their respective departmental budget estimates, work plans, procurement plans, and cash flow plans in line with the Corrigenda in the PBS at MOPS.

Staff from the Ministry of Public Service led by the PS attended mass for the late Mama Emilia, the mother to Commissioner Compensation Mr. Bua Victor Leku at Kitogobwa Parish Church, Kitezi.

The Ministry of Public Service has conducted a two days training for internal Auditors and accountants from 105 HCM Phase 3 votes at MOPS and at MoFPED Training Centre.

Today 11th June 2024, Experts from the Accounts General’s Office, Ministry of Finance, Planning & Economic Development have conducted a one day training in Risk management to key role players in asset and Risk management in the Ministry of Public Service.

Commissioner P&P, Mr. Joses Tejeza, officiated at the closure of a two day refresher training yesterday for Human Resource officers from selected 20 Phase two votes on Payroll management, Retirement and pension management and other core HCM Modules at Fairway Hotel Kampala.

The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Service, Catherine Bitarakwate Musingwiire(Mrs), has officiated at the opening of induction of New staff of the Ministry of Public Service which started on 10th till 12th June 2024 at NRCA. The training is to inculcate a sense of belonging, common values and a positive mind-set for effective performance among

Today 10th June 2024, the Ministry of Public Service has convened a meeting to discuss the structure for the merged Agencies of Uganda Freezones Authority and Uganda Export Promotions Board, and the mainstreamed functions of Uganda Warehouse Reciept System Authority into the Ministry of Trade under RAPEX in FY 2024/2025.