News updates from the Ministry of Public Service’s departments.

At the Ministry stall the majority of clients included the teachers and Police officers who complained of lack of support from their Human Resource Office and especially their salaries not being annually increased yet it is automatic to move from one segment to another. Another issue that came up was the newly circular about the

Government of Uganda has stepped up efforts and increased commitment to transform the Uganda Public Service Delivery Systems. This is intended to ensure that Government provides services that are efficient, effective, transparent and responsive to needs of the people. It is the delivery of smarter, faster services and at a lesser cost that determines the

Mr. Dan Mugulusi- New Under Secretary MoPS

  He joins the Ministry of Public service from the Ministry Information, communication Technology and National Guidance (MICT&NG) with a wealth of experience having worked with the Office of the Prime Minister.

The conference opened with a call to participants to take note of the objective of the conference, as to build understanding of the Global development Agendas and how to facilitate the attainment of these targets. In his opening remarks the 1st Prime Minister General Moses Ali also reminded participants of the September 2015, where 193

[one_half first=] Demolition of MoPS front Reception desk to provide for re-modeling of the one stop service centre. Work is in progress [/one_half] [one_half first=] Work has commenced on the re-modeling of the one stop service centre at the MoPS [/one_half] The ministry has embarked on remodeling of the existing office structures by adding on a ramp

The Ministry has been hailed for their good and exemplary leadership especially when the Parliamentary Committee on Public Service and Local Governments scheduled to meet and discuss issues pertaining to the Budget Framework implementation challenges. ‘It is not common to find in any one Ministry or Agency where both Ministers and Permanent Secretary or Executive

Senior management staff retreat ended with a call on all members to inculcate a spirit of patriotism, Promote zero tolerance to corruption; strengthen the government regulatory framework; urgently address the issue of poor service delivery, especially in the areas of health care, Education and feeder roads; and address the problem of absenteeism from schools by

The Republic of Uganda  MINISTRY OF FINANCE, PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT THE THIRD FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTABILITY PROGRAMME (FINMAP III)     REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES     The Government of Uganda is implementing the Third Financial Management and Accountability Programme (FINMAP III) with the primary purpose to strengthen Public Financial Management (PFM)

Estonia Team is back to Uganda under their leadership Kalle Sepp with vigor to map out strategies to propel Uganda Public service to another level in the One Stop Shop Centres establishment. During the meeting, preminary actions points agreed upon to drive the process of one Stop Shop Centres implementation included; To either maintain the