News updates from the Ministry of Public Service’s departments.


Ministry of Public Service was represented by commissioners, Edward Fredrick Walugembe Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation, Sharifa Buzeki , Bob Sifuna for the National Planning Authority was represented by Dr. Tom Mwebaze, Dr. Michael Okoche and Edward Mugabi Consultant.

Permanenet Secretary Catherine Bitarakwate Musingwiire chaired the Inter-ministerial (MDAs) meeting

Permanent Secretary Catherine Bitarakwate Musingwiire has called for prudent and committed efforts to realise the dream that the Public Service needs today.

Minstry Staff representatives; US/FA Daniel Mugulusi and Commissioner Savia Mugwanya together with Officials from Success Africa Ltd. Julia Kashemererwa Human Resource Consultant and Kusain Kabugo General Manager exchange MoUs on 16th October 2020.

Ministry intends to tap into the wealth of knowledge in Corporate Governance skills for Leadership management Team and capacity building innovation to address some of the challenges of the Public Officer mindset. Also to implement the Public Service Transformation Agenda for the entire Civil Service in Uganda. The partnerships and collaboration will go along way

hon.Minister Wilson Muruli Mukasa together with Government Inspectors at Ridar Hotel on 6th October, 2020

This warning was sounded by the Hon. Minister of Public Service Wilson Muruli Mukasa while closing the Training at Ridar Hotel- Seeta Mukono. He called for the Joint Inspection Team to ensure the results be used to rate the performance of both Individuals and Institutions which will in turn determine resource allocation and individual performance

Happy Independence Day

Happy Independence Day

Group photo of Hon. Minister of state David Krubanga together with the Tecnical staff amd Meteorelogical Authority on 1st O ctober 2020.

Hon. Minister of state called for creating regular information sharing and holding of consultative meetings to address the Human Resource challenges that have hampered service delivery in the Authority. He noted the Staff that were transiting from the former department of meteorology in Entente to the Authority about their benefits and grievances.

Minister called for proper planning and resource utilization in refurbishing the donated machinery from Germany for maintenance and upgrading them to fit the electronic era. He said if learners are to be relevant to the nation in terms of employable skills acquisition that appeal to the job market .

SMT members during the Strategic Leadership management Training at Civil Service College- Uganda on Thursday 24th - 25th Sept. 2020.

Key tips included the 5 fundamentals of leadership; Believe you can Aspire to excel Challenge yourself Engage support and practice deliberately

Among key issues raised during the discussion between the two Teams, members observed the cumbersome work ahead of them in the implementation of the New created cities. This was because the new cities creation was not based on the concept of Urbanization but Politically motivated .