News updates from the Ministry of Public Service’s departments.

A team of Inspectors drawn from various Government Entities conducting a Joint Inspection in Kakumiro District. The team commenced with an entry meeting with Mr. Peter N. Ruhweeza -Chief Administrative Officer, Kakumiro District Local Government

The Ministry of Public service has organized a User Acceptance Testing (UAT) to validate the effectiveness of the HCM onboarding on the UGHub and integrations with IFMS, ESMS Gate Way and PDMS which has started today 8 th to 12th November 2021 at CSCU Jinja.

A special top management meeting to discuss Budget Framework Paper has been held today afternoon 5th November 2021 at MOPS boardroom, in attendance, the State minister of Public service, PS and Senior Officers.

The Minister of State for Public service graced the opening of training of Inspectors organized by Public Service Inspection and Quality Assurance Department yesterday 4th November 2021 at Ridar Hotel Seeta.

A presentation of HCM to members of Public Service Commission in preparation for HCM GO-LIVE officiated by minister of state for Public Service today 04 th November 2021 at MOPS and the commission team was led by the chairperson

Senior Management Retreat and Cultural Day from 14th- 15th October under the theme: Naturing and Innovative, patriotic Public service a pre-condition for public sector transformation, the PS implored all of us to actualize our patriotism beyond the love of our country and respect of country symbols by doing the right thing at a right time,

The Minister of Public Service together with the PS attended a targeted review mission consultative meeting organized by National Planning Authority yesterday 20th October 2021 at MOPS boardroom. The delegation was lead by Bishop Dinis Singulane.