The Minister of State for Public Service and the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Public Service organised a thank you dinner for the Visiting Team from Azerbaijan

The Team of Azerbaijan led by the Team delegate chief of Administration of the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan have hailed GoU for going the right direction in establishment of the ” ONE STOP SHOP SERVICE CENTERS “. The institutions and Agencies visited by

The Ministry of Public Service has launched the Full Decentralization of the Pensions Processing System. The Decentralization process is aimed to bring services nearer to the people, and to increase the speed at which pension requests are processed.

As part of the commemoration of the Africa Public Service day, that falls n the 22nd June of every year. Uganda celebrated the day to highlight achievements realized in service . The celebrations for Public Service for 2018 were decentralized to District Local Governments throughout the country. The ministry of Public Service fulfilled its social

    This was the 1st meeting organized by the Ministry of Public Service with an Objective of consulting Stakeholders on how to link Performance Appraisal to the Balance score card. The targeted stakeholders in this meeting were the Chairpersons for Commissions, their Permanent Secretaries under the umbrella of Inter commissions Forum. During the meeting

Mr. Dan Mugulusi- New Under Secretary MoPS

  He joins the Ministry of Public service from the Ministry Information, communication Technology and National Guidance (MICT&NG) with a wealth of experience having worked with the Office of the Prime Minister.