MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SERVICE BEST PERFORMERS’ RECOGNITION AWARD FOR THE YEAR 2019 The Ministry is proud of you and would like to recognize your demonstrated excellence and exceptional performance. Please maintain the spirit and keep up the well-deserved demonstrated excellence and outstanding performance. Position by Salary Scale Best Nominee Cross-cutting attributes/remarks Principal Officer level, U2

Pensioners across this entire region have hailed the ministry for this timely interaction where challenges and feedback on pension decentralization has been realized. Pensioners have called for a regular interaction because it creates a forum of sharing challenges and iron out information gaps within different stakeholders. Among other recommendations mad e was to review the


The Anti-corruption walk which was led by H.E Yoweri K . Museveni its objective was to achieve zero tolerance to corruption in the entire country. Both the private and public sectors were warned to desist from this moral and spiritual problem by doing what is right . Under the slogan ‘A corruption free Uganda starts

Hon. Minister Wilson Muruli Mukasa being taken around the Research center Projects at Nnamulonge Research cebtre on 24th November , 2019

Hon. Minister hailed the work done by the Researchers at NARO especially at Namulonge where practical interventions in crop , Animal and value addition and waste utilization is being encouraged through evidenced research. Mukasa observed that ‘ U Uganda can only achieve a middle income status only with a health population.What you do here in

Hon. Minister of state Public Service David Karubanga blessed the Occasion as a panelist on the topic : Retirement Planning and Financing opportunities for Urban farmers and Retirees Ugandans .

Hon. Minister Muruli Mukasa meets the Botswana delegation during their benchmark visit to Uganda recently

A team of Technical staff from Botswana has been in the country specifically in the Ministry of Public Service to benchmark on very important policies to drive their Governance at home. Among the key areas was the pay reforms an d its implementation, Management systems,policies and structures as they try to restructure the Presidency and

The Permanent Secretary passionately called on all staff to plan prudently and ensure the ministry outputs are given priority. Bitarakwate underscored the importance of involving stakeholders especially the Local Government representatives . She noted that it is because Local Governments make the biggest %age of space where service delivery implementation takes place . She thanked