Happy Independence Day

Happy Independence Day

Group photo of Hon. Minister of state David Krubanga together with the Tecnical staff amd Meteorelogical Authority on 1st O ctober 2020.

Hon. Minister of state called for creating regular information sharing and holding of consultative meetings to address the Human Resource challenges that have hampered service delivery in the Authority. He noted the Staff that were transiting from the former department of meteorology in Entente to the Authority about their benefits and grievances.

Minister called for proper planning and resource utilization in refurbishing the donated machinery from Germany for maintenance and upgrading them to fit the electronic era. He said if learners are to be relevant to the nation in terms of employable skills acquisition that appeal to the job market .

SMT members during the Strategic Leadership management Training at Civil Service College- Uganda on Thursday 24th - 25th Sept. 2020.

Key tips included the 5 fundamentals of leadership; Believe you can Aspire to excel Challenge yourself Engage support and practice deliberately

Among key issues raised during the discussion between the two Teams, members observed the cumbersome work ahead of them in the implementation of the New created cities. This was because the new cities creation was not based on the concept of Urbanization but Politically motivated .

Hon. Minister Wilson Muruli Mukasa in Group Photograph UVRI staff anf Ministry Technical staff on Friday 18th Sept. 2020

Hon. Minister appealed to the management of the institution to put first their desire to serve the clients after then call for their improved conditions at work place. However, the Minister was very happy with some of the staff who value their work and ensure services reach the public in time .

Crrosssection of participants during the sensitization meeting of the Pension Bill 2020 at Munynyo Speke Resort Hotel on Thursday 17yh Sept; 2020

Ministry on Thursday 17th Sept 2020 held a one day sensitization meeting for stakeholders who included among others the chairpersons and members of the Public Service and Local Government s committee, chairpersons of the committee on Budget,Finance and Legal, Members of parliament for workers Executive Director for URBRA, representatives of the Public Service Labor Unions,

Hon. minister Wilson Muruli Mukasa and Permanent Secretary Catherine Bitarakwate Musinwriire at the Annual Planning Retreat for SMT at National Records Centre and Archives2020

He however, cautioned the Senior Management Team members s not look at performance in terms of physical performance improvement but go beyond to improvements in outcome measurements. Muruli said that this was critical because it answers the what question ? where the clients benefit from the efforts of the improved performance in form of improved

Ministry Staff at the registration desk before the COVID-19 test is conducted

Ministry of Public Service is among the first MDAs to take this initiative.