Hon. Minister of state Public Service David Karubanga blessed the Occasion as a panelist on the topic : Retirement Planning and Financing opportunities for Urban farmers and Retirees Ugandans .

Hon. Minister Muruli Mukasa meets the Botswana delegation during their benchmark visit to Uganda recently

A team of Technical staff from Botswana has been in the country specifically in the Ministry of Public Service to benchmark on very important policies to drive their Governance at home. Among the key areas was the pay reforms an d its implementation, Management systems,policies and structures as they try to restructure the Presidency and

The Permanent Secretary passionately called on all staff to plan prudently and ensure the ministry outputs are given priority. Bitarakwate underscored the importance of involving stakeholders especially the Local Government representatives . She noted that it is because Local Governments make the biggest %age of space where service delivery implementation takes place . She thanked

Minister and State for Public Service during the Budget conference meeting recently

Hon.Minister Muruli Mukasa has called upon technical staff to make plans and set priorities based on the ministry strategic directives that will see the fulfillment of its reforms for the public service. Strategic Policy Undertaking for the Ministry of Public Service The Pensions Reform Pay enhancements for Public Officers Rationalisation of Government Agencies Decentralisation of

Damalie Wakirwaine is a Senior Human Resource Officer who is a beneficiary of the induction program by the Civil service college in early 2015. Little did Wakirwaine thought of getting any other skills other than the usual office etiquette and code of conduct for public Officers in government. During the induction there was a module

Dr Florence Tuguminssiriza attends to pensioner who formally worked at the faccility as a Nursing Officer

Today nobody sells kavera near the hospital and the hospital staff have been sensitized on the dangers of the kavera. A focal person for arresting kavera at the gate has been identified and he does it with all the passion. While taking a walk through the neighbouring community who deal in selling a variety of

“We found out that other than treating diseases of the sick was not enough, it was necessary to go out and meet the community members through community outreaches by the Hospital specialists to attend to the non-communicable diseases by health education talks,” this quotation is gotten from the Director Fort Portal referral Hospital Dr. Florence

Team building activities during the Senior staff retreat at Civil Servcie College - Jinja

Senior staff at Ministry of Public Service have been advised to work from the heart instead of putting money first in everything that they do. This call was made by their Permanent Secretary Catherine Bitarakwate Musingwiire during her key note address during the staff retreat. Bitarakwate highlighted the overall purpose of the retreat as was

The forum of secretarial cadre ended with a call on the participants to embrace work ethics that are professional. Thomas Ojok the Commissioner Human Resource Development at the Ministry of Public service sounded the call while delivering a paper on the need to professionalize the secretarial cadre staff in government as the only means to