The Permanent Secretary Catherine Bitarakwate Musingwiire has hailed Accounting Officers of different Ministries, departments and Agencies and Local Governments for supporting their staff to attend the forum. Bitarakwate highlighted the importance of the forum which included among other; Developing a body of Human Resource knowledge, skills, personal competencies, values and attitude required by the Professional

Under the Ministry customized theme; Promoting Gender equality in the Public Service. The President has retaliate the need to empower women through economic muscle improvement and the only best way to fight gender based violence is through economically empower women by increasing funding in women groups. Museveni has again made observation that the fight against

Hon. Wilson Muluri Mukasa called upon staff to desist from behaving like locusts in their offices but serve the people .

Ministry team from the department of performance management conducted a refresher training in performance management tools for secondary school teachers in the districts of Albetong, Nwoya an Gulu.

The need to have a mindset change and improve working relationship between the technical and political arms of an Institution was emphasized at the recently concluded Peer to Peer Mentor-ship workshop of Alumni of the College of West Nile region. The workshop emphasized having visionary and focused leadership, targeted and meaningful exchange programs, utilization of

HR Planners Capacity Building workshop for 4 days at the Civil Service College Uganda