Hon. minister Wilson Muruli Mukasa and Permanent Secretary Catherine Bitarakwate Musinwriire at the Annual Planning Retreat for SMT at National Records Centre and Archives2020

He however, cautioned the Senior Management Team members s not look at performance in terms of physical performance improvement but go beyond to improvements in outcome measurements. Muruli said that this was critical because it answers the what question ? where the clients benefit from the efforts of the improved performance in form of improved

Ministry Staff at the registration desk before the COVID-19 test is conducted

Ministry of Public Service is among the first MDAs to take this initiative.

Good Leadership is all about being an example to the people you lead.

A wage bill of UShs. 5,103.47 Billion has been allocated for the Financial Year 2020/2021. This provides an increase of UShs. 430.52 Billion from the previous Financial Year 2019/2020 (including Supplementary Wage provided in the course of FY 2019/2020).

A CIRCULAR LETTER NO. 7 OF 2020 COVID-19 has been issued today by the Permanent Secretary / Ministry of Public Service.It provides guidance on Post-Lockdown Standard Operating Procedures for Office Operations in the Public Service of Uganda

A CIRCULAR LETTER NO. 6 OF 2020 COVID-19 has been issued today by the Permanent Secretary / Ministry of Public Service.It provides guidelines for working remotely tele-communicating or working from home for the Uganda Public Service.

BID NOTICE Ministry of Public Service invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for: No. Procurement Reference Number Subject matter of Procurement Bid Security 1. MoPS/ SVCS/ 2019-2020/ 00164 Framework contracts for Supplies, Services and Works for a period of 18 months for the Ministry of Public Service N/A 2. The Bidding document(s) shall be inspected

Circular Letter No. 4 of 2020 – Additional Guidelines to Implement Government Directives on the Management of Public Service Institutions During the National Quarantine Period Circular Letter No. 5 of 2020 – Contingency Strategies to Process Salary, Pension and Gratuity during the Lockdown to contain COVID-19

The Ministry of Public Service has issued CIRCULAR LETTER NO. 3 OF 2020 to provide Guidance to the Public Service Staff and the Public on the Corona Virus (COVID-19) The Circular can be downloaded below: The full text of the Circular Letter No. 3 of 2020 is below: The World Health Organisation declared Corona Virus