Today 11th June 2024, Experts from the Accounts General’s Office, Ministry of Finance, Planning & Economic Development have conducted a one day training in Risk management to key role players in asset and Risk management in the Ministry of Public Service.

Commissioner P&P, Mr. Joses Tejeza, officiated at the closure of a two day refresher training yesterday for Human Resource officers from selected 20 Phase two votes on Payroll management, Retirement and pension management and other core HCM Modules at Fairway Hotel Kampala.

The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Service, Catherine Bitarakwate Musingwiire(Mrs), has officiated at the opening of induction of New staff of the Ministry of Public Service which started on 10th till 12th June 2024 at NRCA. The training is to inculcate a sense of belonging, common values and a positive mind-set for effective performance among

Today 10th June 2024, the Ministry of Public Service has convened a meeting to discuss the structure for the merged Agencies of Uganda Freezones Authority and Uganda Export Promotions Board, and the mainstreamed functions of Uganda Warehouse Reciept System Authority into the Ministry of Trade under RAPEX in FY 2024/2025.

Permanent Secretary – MOPS, chaired a preparatory meeting on the Public Sector Transformation Programme for NDP(IV) FY 2025/2026 – FY 2029/2030. The meeting was held at MOPS Boardroom.

The Minister of Public Service, Hon. Wilson Muŕuli Mukasa yesterday 5th June 2024, convened a meeting to guide and support the process of organising the Inter-Religious family festival which is yet to take place on the 29th June 2024 at Kololo Ceremonial Grounds with his excellency the President as the guest of honour.

The Ministry of Public Service convened a meeting in the Boardroom with Service Commissions to discuss the next steps for RAPEX.

The validation exercise is still on going at NRCA with the validation team still handling officers from the Uganda Police Force.

A meeting was held today 5th June 2024 at MOPS Boardroom, to discuss the funding modalities for the implementation of the RAPEX in MDAs whose Bills were passed by the Parliament of Uganda.