On Saturday, 19th February 2022, participants of MoPS at NALI received a lecture from Maj. Kigozi Kawesa and Maj. Onesmas Kakuru on “Rick but poor (knowing Uganda), a survey of Uganda’s Economic Potentials. The objective of this lecture was to make participants appreciate the abundant natural resources endowed by Uganda and the need to jealously

MOPS participants received a lecture on “Understanding the core values of Patriotic ideology lectured by Mr. Seburimage Deo (papa Deo), Principal officer, EIC-OP. He emphasized the nature beauty of Uganda and explained more on the Pearl of Africa.

Day three, 16th February 2022 at NALI, participants received a rich presentation from Mr. Odauk Paul (National Famer’s Leadership center) on “Thinking as a tool in the understanding of reality. The evening session was facilitated by Maj. David Wasela who trained on Social systems. He explained the evolution of mankind, stages in human development and

Day two,15th February 2022 at NALI started with a presentation on attitude change for effective leadership by Col. Anatoli Nuwagaba. The presenter emphasized that; “as a leader, you need o understand that attitude towards a task affects its outcome and that defeat begins from the mind. The second presenter of day two trained on political

The participants started day one with an aptitude test on Transformational Leadership Development course. The test was drawn from the current affairs of Uganda and East Africa at large. The State Minister of Public Service, Mrs. Mugasa Grace Mary welcomed the participants and reminded the participants on corruption and the NDP111 during service delivery. She

The Ideological/Patriotism training at NALI Kyankwanzi for Ministry of Public Service (MoPS) Staff including the Minister of State for Public Service – Hon. Mary Grace Mugasa Akiiki, from 14th to 25th February 2022. The MoPS Participants arrived at the Institute on the 13th February, 2022. The participants were warmly welcomed and debriefed about the college

Training on the Basics of Statistics and M&E was organized by PPME Department at Civil Service Collège Uganda (CSCU) from 1st to 4th February, 2022. The SMT Committee were trained on the 1st to 2nd February, 2022 while the Statistics Committee Members were trained on the 3rd to 4th February of 2022.

The Ministry of Public Service launched the Balanced Scorecard on the 28th January, 2022 at the National Records Centre and Archives (NRCA). The Ministry of Public Service Strategic Plan 2020/2021 – 2024/2025 will be aligned using the Balanced Scorecard.